Prince Harry starts working on his wedding body, steps out for workout

Prince Harry Hits the Gym

Prince Harry may be fifth in line for the British throne, but just like any other dude gearing up for a wedding, he’s getting his body ready for the nuptial celebrations. And that means hitting the gym.

Just one day after announcing his engagement to Meghan Markle, an American actress best known for her work on the television series Suits, the royal was spotted leaving a workout session in London.


Prince Harry Works on His Wedding Body

A former Captain in the British Armed Forces, Prince Harry shouldn’t have much trouble getting his fitness back into military-grade shape—but he’s going to have to put in the sweat sessions to get there. Luckily, though, his marriage to Markle isn’t planned to take place until May 2018, so he’s got plenty of time to work on getting lean and building upper-body muscle so he can fill out his suit on the big day.

If you’ve got a wedding coming up—whether you’re the groom or not—you’ll want to give these routines a go: Our favorite three total-body workouts to build lean muscle all over, our seven ways to shred body fat in seven days, and our best dumbbell-only routine to build a colossal chest.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding


Considered as ” the best Bolivarian Games in the History”, the recent 18th edition celebrated in Santa Marta (Colombia), will be remembered for several positive reasons and, one of them, will be the participation of IFBB athletes from Games Classic Bodybuilding, Men´s Physique, Bikini Fitness and Fitness, in this Games.

The recent days 22nd and 23rd November, the mentioned IFBB disciplines were performed in the official venue “Salón Simón Bolívar”, with the participation of athletes from the eleven countries represented: Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Perú, Guatemala, Rep. Dominicana, Paraguay, Bolivia, El Salvador and Panamá.

In overall, a fantastic experience that strengthened the relationships between IFBB and Olympics and will have its continuation in the American continent, where IFBB is fully recognized by the Pan American Sport Organization (PASO/ODEPA).

Picture: IFBB President Dr. Rafael Santonja, attended “the best Bolivarian Games in History”, joined by several Olympic Executives, participating in the awards ceremonies.


from Muscle and Bodybuilding

what are the five most basic and integral bodybuilding tools in your arsenal?

ive been on my recomp journey for 4 months and am delighted with the results.

I took my first deload week and i’m back in it starting tomorrow.

so i start researching in an attempt to reveal and cover any blind spots, only to find a lot of people flapping gums but not being as straight forward as possible in relating what is completely barebones and undeniable truth when it comes to bodybuilding (specifically recomping healthfully and efficiently). just words and blah blah blah…

get to the fucking point already.

so i’d love to hear your thoughts. imagine someone walked up to you in the gym and said:

“1-5, what are the five most important tools, foods, supplements, methods, etc that got you where you are and are getting you to your current goals?”

thanks for playing.

submitted by /u/west_end_squirrel
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding

Were the bodybuilders of Arnold’s era as big as was possible at the time?

I see a lot of complaining here that the mass monsters of today no longer aim for aesthetics. Was aesthetics really that big of a focus in Arnold’s era? As in, were they intentionally restricting their size to have good proportions, or were they as huge as they could get with the steroids available at that time period?

submitted by /u/JoseDzirehChong
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from Muscle and Bodybuilding